The week before Easter is called Holy Week (Karwoche) and is an important date in the Christian calender.
Religious tradition has it that on Good Friday (Karfreitag) people grief. It's the death of Jesus, his crucifixion which people mourn. Then on Saturday, Holy Saturday (Karsamstag) the fasting period ends.
And finally on Easter Sunday the Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and rejoice.
In some churches Easter fires are organized.
The custom is to color eggs and decorate branches with Easter eggs. There will be Easter pastry in shape of bunny or lambs. Very important is the Egg hunt on Easter day. Children are looking forward to search the eggs which the Easter bunny hid. Ideally this is done outdoors, in a garden. Colored chicken eggs or mostly chocolate eggs. And sometimes you might see a bunny when hunting the Easter eggs.
Actually in our courtyard there are some bunny sometimes. So maybe we can see them on Easter Sunday.
Easter Monday is a public holiday in Germany and usually again spend with the family.
But what about the Easter bunny? Why would he bring the eggs? It should be the hen, isn't it. Apparently there are a few different conclusions. Already in Greek mythology the bunny is a holy animal and as a sign of fertility belongs to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Also the egg is a symbol of fertility and origin of life.
This year it's the coldest March and really really cold. It even snowed yesterday. It's also the time for clock change. Yeah, Summertime starts. I head the chirping of birds. Hopefully a good sign for the start of spring soon.
Wishing all of you a Happy Easter - Frohe Ostern - and have fun looking for eggs even though it's still freezing cold.